Feedback from some of my existing customers
As a professional artist, I love to share my work with an appreciative audience.
In this section you’ll find some testimonials and photos from exisiting customers. Some of these customer's buy a drawing for a gift, for a tribute piece of a pet that has passed, or of their own best friend.

"Mum absolutely loved Pickles. She can't believe how lifelike the picture is, it's already on show in the house for everyone to see. Thank-you again, it was the perfect gift."

"Cait drew a photo of Beau for me when he was a pup. I am obsessed!! Best thing to wake up to everyday."
"Such an amazing and talented woman! I asked her to draw my little rascals andd she did such an amazing job. Now I have 3 of the most beautiful pieces of art in my house and I could not be more grateful."

"The drawing looks even better in person!! My husband loved it and was speechless."

"One very happy customer, this is honestly so bloody good. Can't wait to frame it."

"Just opened it and it is AMAZING! I can only imagine the time that went into it. You have captured him perfectly."
"I just received it at work and everyone went crazy! It is unbelievable."

"I am so over the moon with how it turned out and I can't believe how you were able to pull off something this impressive in such a short amount of time. I already had high expectations but they've been exceeded!"